Wednesday, November 28, 2012
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The following symptoms were experienced throughout my teenage years and adult life to different degrees. I tried to alleviate them using essential oils, herbal and homeopathic remedies and diet, but these stood little chance in the face of such toxicity. I found a small amount of relief initially with some, but this did not last, presumably due to the increasing mercury in my system. The inability of such remedies to help also led me to realize just how widespread the problem was. It is interesting to note that since the removals I have used remedies and their effect has been good.Mouth
The inside of my mouth was aggravated by the mercury. I would find myself biting the skin to such an extent that it would be torn, sore and inflamed. I would be fine until early afternoon and then I would find myself suddenly tearing at the inside of my mouth with my teeth as if something had to be released or removed. Sometimes I managed to prevent this with a lot of willpower, but it was something beyond my control. Amazingly, my body would have worked all night to repair the damage and the skin would be perfectly smooth the next morning. My gums looked pale and unhealthy and bled when I brushed them, and my teeth sometimes felt loose. The teeth did not really feel like part of me – they were separated by this toxic barrier. I was always aware of the fillings.Eyes
My eyes have become increasingly light sensitive and easily tired. Over the past two years I have had the help of a vision therapist, and we have worked to improve my vision through exercises, palming and the use of eye patches to allow the eyes to work individually as well as together. But again this had limited effect since the cause was not being addressed.Ears
The main problem was when descending in an aeroplane. I would suffer excruciating pain along my jaw and up to my ears and temples. My head felt as if it would split. I just sat in dreadful pain with tears pouring down my cheeks. Some pain would continue for several hours and I would feel unwell for two or three days after. Not surprisingly, I had decided that I never wanted to fly again after the most recent occasion. I also had recurrent bouts of piercing pain but with no evidence of infection. As my mother has had problems with her ears, I thought perhaps this was hereditary.Nose
Over the past three years I have had small cuts inside my nose which would not heal and became infected on several occasions. The inflammation did clear from using tea tree and neem oils, but not the cuts, and I often felt as if I were getting flu.Periods
In my mid-teens these became extremely heavy with a lot of clotting. In my 20s and 30s they were not so heavy but later again became heavy with increased clotting, cramps, fluid retention and mood swings. They were increasing to twice monthly but I managed to regulate them using a blend of essential oils, so in this case the oils did manage to break through the mercury blockade. Periods have become worse in recent years: very heavy with clotting, 6-7 days’ duration, mood changes beforehand, headaches, feelings of not being able to cope and fluid retention for 14 days prior combined with breast tenderness and sometimes sharp pains. There was very sharp, intense cramping always only on the right-hand side on the first day and night of the period, followed by more general cramping plus lower back pain. The whole process was rapidly affecting not just the duration of the period, but the weeks on either side, and also my relationships with my husband and daughter because of the effect on my health.Sciatica
This began three years ago and always occurred at the start of the period and lasted for one day. It was so painful that I had to take painkillers during the day and before going to bed and I would feel tired and unwell the following day (perhaps due to the painkillers).Circulation
As a schoolgirl I suffered from very painful chilblains every autumn through to Easter and I would become chilled waiting for the bus to and from school. My feet would be numb during gym class (we had to do this in bare feet on cold wooden floors) and it was painful to walk. The doctor suggested an operation but thankfully we declined this. Since then, the coldness in my body has increased, seeming to come from within, from the marrow of my bones and especially down my spine. My temperature control was either one extreme or the other and I disliked change – of temperature and of surroundings. Five years ago, I was diagnosed as having Reynaud’s disease, as my fingers and toes and the balls of my feet would easily become numb, white and painful, and take a long time to warm up. I had to wear thick bed socks and have a hot bottle at my back and double covers, but still I never felt really warm from within. In the daytime I wore thermal vests, layers and socks, but my feet still became numb, even in the house. I dreaded autumn, winter and spring, but also going on holiday to a warm climate as I would overheat. The problem of excessive sweating which began in my teens continued and was more of a nuisance than a physical hardship – finding the most suitable clothes’ styles and fabrics to avoid staining. In desperation I used a very strong antiperspirant once and it resulted in my being very ill for several days, with lumping under my armpits. I preferred to change my tops at least twice or more daily if necessary.Fatigue
This became noticeable when I was in my 20s and was working in offices. I had difficulty getting going in the morning. I was never late for work but it took a great effort to get up; some mornings would be much worse than others but I could never work out the reason. My doctor thought I was just lazy. I did not want an excuse to stay off work; I needed to find out the cause so that I could remedy it. I had the energy to attend night classes and to complete a full day’s work, but at that time it was in the morning that I felt unwell. Our daughter was born 16 years ago. The birth lasted 12 hours and forceps were required, so afterwards I was badly bruised internally and in great pain but also very tired. I fed Jane myself for nine months so any fatigue then was put down to feeding during the day and often at night. I expected to feel an improvement as the years went on, but this did not happen. Tests have been carried out on a couple of occasions, but these proved negative and no helpful advice was given. I felt like a hypochondriac and was treated like one.Having to get up at 6.45 am to ensure Jane got to school on time has kept me going. I am not sure that I would have had the determination to do that otherwise. Once I had my first shot of mercury via a hot mug of tea or two, I would feel much better. I altered my diet and became vegetarian over ten years ago to try to solve the mystery. No matter what I included or excluded there was no pattern emerging. Last year my energy levels became seriously low, which prompted me to find a mercury-free dentist. I was so exhausted all the time, to a point where resting for half an hour or even longer made no difference. There was no way to replenish the energy I was losing. This affected my spirit and I felt very light and not of this world at times, which was frightening. My thoughts were negative and I was reducing what I did rather than looking to expand my business and to the future ahead. I could see no future.
Over the past three years I noticed that I was finding it more difficult to take in information and to remember it. My brain seemed to be at capacity, or as if it were jammed. I began to notice slurring of speech and difficulty in finding words, which soon became a daily occurrence. We joked about it, but I was aware of how serious a problem this could be. Tingling in my fingers and a slight numbness in the arms occurred on several occasions. I was anxious that these symptoms might indicate multiple sclerosis or a similar disease, but I also knew it was the mercury fillings that were causing them. My fear was of my daughter having to visit a mother of 50-60 years old who was unable to communicate or recognizse her and for this to continue for many years instead of the close friendship we enjoy.Mood Swings
Mood changes were outside my control. I would have planned to spend a morning with my husband and to have anticipated this all week only to feel on the day that that was the last thing I wanted to do and there was no way to change this. I would be stuck in that mind-set the whole day. It spoilt so many occasions. I always felt that it was like someone else doing it and deep down I did not want to be grumpy and bad company. There was anger inside, dissatisfaction with my life, with myself. I could see no logical reason for these feelings when I looked at them objectively, so why did I continue to feel and act like this? It wasn’t the real me.All these symptoms could possibly be coped with singly, but together they engulfed me. On several occasions I felt that my husband and daughter would be better off if I were not living with them. They would not have had to put up with the fallout and the negative energy I must have been exuding. When giving treatments, I blocked out all the symptoms. I was totally committed to giving the best treatment I could and my concentration was centred on the client. My standards remained consistent and I am confident that no clients received lesser treatments at any point during this time. If I could not have maintained this, I would have closed In Harmony at once.
The Removal Process
The initial consultation with my dentist was to assess the level of leeching of the mercury and the state of the teeth, and plan a removal programme and the preventative measures both in the surgery and through supplements. We decided on four sessions at fortnightly intervals: three on the upper left, four on the lower left, three on the upper right and finally three on the lower right (see Figure 2). The gap between sessions allows the body to clear any mercury that may be absorbed during the extraction process despite the precautions taken. Any trauma to the gums has time to settle.The refilling of the cavities is carried out once all traces of the mercury fillings have been removed. There was decay under almost all my fillings, which would have gone undetected until it became so bad that I needed them removed. The filling of the cavities requires skill and precision, as do the removals. The material used is a non-toxic composite, which is compatible with the teeth and has the added bonus of looking good. The cosmetic effect of white fillings should not be underestimated. I have admiration for my dentist who carried out the procedures with immense care and concentration over each two-hour session. The effect on my health and life cannot be calculated and I owe her so much.
Detoxification Programme
Prior to the Treatments
I took Essiac daily for three months, a herbal blend of burdock root, turkey rhubarb root, sheep sorrel and slippery elm bark. It rids the body of metabolic wastes, increases cellular metabolism by normalizing blood chemistry and rebuilds the immune system. This was to boost my body’s systems so that once the mercury amalgam was removed I could go straight into the cleansing tonics to clear the major organs of the mercury. On the day of removals I took charcoal tablets before and after to absorb the mercury and expel it from the body. Selenium and zinc are used up quickly by the body when dealing with heavy metals, so daily supplements were recommended: selenium 100mcg and zinc 15-20mg.After the Treatments
After all the removals are completed, cleansing of the vital organs must follow. One cleansing tonic should be used at a time. This process should be undertaken consistently to ensure success, particularly with the colon cleanse parts 1 and 2. These help to clear old faecal matter, allowing for easy removal, aid regular evacuation, and draw out poisons, toxins and heavy metals. It can seem awkward and unpleasant to keep to the programme at times, but the benefits are too great to abandon it. The daily amounts are small so that the body is not overloaded by the detoxification process and no healing crisis should occur. I have had a minor recurrence of some of the symptoms during the cleansing, but these have passed quickly. The other cleanses that followed were:- Liver and gall bladder cleanse: dandelion root, cinnamon bark, liquorice, juniper berries, cardamom, bearberry leaf, cloves, ginger, milk thistle, Oregon grape root, Swedish bitters and colloidal silver. Freshly squeezed organic orange juice precedes the cleanse each morning;
- Kidney cleanse (preceded by fresh organic lemon juice): corn silk, bearberry leaf, dandelion, horsetail, burdock root, goldenrod, juniper berries and colloidal silver;
- Blood cleanse: red clover, chapparal, garlic, burdock root, gotu kola, cayenne, Echinacea, cat’s claw, gingko biloba, horsetail, poke root and colloidal silver;
- Brain tonic: gingko biloba, gotu kola, calamus root, rosemary, kola nut, cayenne and colloidal silver.
I continued my vegetarian diet, including neem tea and kombucha tea, which both aid the immune system and detoxify the body. Energized water (two litres daily) is necessary to flush the toxins and wastes out of the body while hydrating it. It is easier to continue a well-established habit than to try to cope with several changes at once. There is much more likelihood of success without a healing crisis.Mercury had been in my body for so long that I thought it would take months for any improvements to show. After just the first removals I felt much lighter, more positive and less tired. These changes continued, improving with each session. The difference made by removing just three fillings demonstrates the amount of mercury leaking into my body daily.
All of the symptoms listed above have been reduced or removed. I now have more energy and if I do become tired a short rest revives me. I wake up looking forward to the day ahead and have a positive outlook; I feel grounded; my eyes are less light sensitive and stronger; I have started up my business with new and existing clients and extended my product range; I can control my mood, so we have had many enjoyable occasions since October; slurring of speech and loss for words are improving; my brain feels clearer and does not race. We flew to Dublin for a few days and I was amazed to feel no pain at all when landing – it was marvellous. Period-related problems have greatly decreased – less fluid retention, lighter and shorter, very mild sciatica, mild headache, only slight grumpiness. Excess sweating has ceased. My body temperature has risen so I no longer feel cold in my bones – I feel constantly warm and have no need of bed socks and layers of thermal vests. I only experience numbness in one finger occasionally and it warms up quickly. Any coldness I may feel when outside seems external and easily dealt with. There has been no recurrence of tingling fingers or numbness of arms. The gums look pink and do not bleed; my teeth feel part of me. Of great interest to me is the regeneration of the tissue of my upper and lower lips, which has filled out. My facial skin has a pink glow even without make-up and the shadows under my eyes are now pink/brown not almost black as before. The cuts inside my nose healed up and have recurred only once. A fungal infection under my little toenail has totally cleared now and a new nail has grown up slowly. The best improvement is that I can enjoy life and look forward to the future and I know I am much more pleasant company now.
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Natural Health
Monday, November 26, 2012
December 18, 2011 By Andrea
I begin my journey into soap making almost 2 years ago. It all started when I read this post and began to understand how easy and cost-effective making my own really is!I am by no means a soap making expert. I usually stick to pretty basic recipes and I haven’t experimented much with scents or creative designs.
Hot processed soap is the way to go for me. Cold processed takes a long time to cure and I’m just to impatient for that! (Okay…don’t freak out if you have no idea what I just said! Stay with me on this!)
Determine Your Method
There are so many recipes and soap-making methods out there. If you are new to soap making I strongly suggest you read through these super informative posts and find what will work for you. Here are just a few:
I would also recommend borrowing a few of these books from the library if you really find yourself wanting to know more:
- Handcrafted Soap
by Dolores Boone
- The Soapmaker’s Companion
by Susan Miller Cavitch
- The Natural Soap Book
by Susan Miller Cavitch
What a great question! I’m so happy you asked (smile). I have found that baking soda has more of a clarifying effect on my hair. Even after a vinegar rinse, my hair is still very dry and it doesn’t feel conditioned.
I have long hair and I was so frustrated. I could hardly even brush through it. This even after a month of allowing my hair the transition away from commercially-prepared product.
I really didn’t want to be dependent on store-bought shampoo! I know about all of the nasty, toxic chemicals in it and they kind of freak my out. With more people bringing awareness to the problem, I knew it was time to commit to a change.
So I set out to create a solution!
Gather The Supplies
Alright! Here we go. It’s time to gather all of the supplies and ingredients. If you are new to soap making there is going to be an initial start up cost. But, I’m going to recommend to you the suppliers that I have found to have the cheapest prices. And the savings in the long run are huge!
I purchase lye, sodium hydroxide, online through The Soap Dish. Last time I checked I was $6.95 for a 32 oz container. This will get you through quite a bit of soap recipes and lasts a long time!
You will need to run your recipe through a lye calculator to be sure that you are using the proper amount of lye and liquid (i.e. water, coconut milk, goat’s milk, etc.). I use the recommended amount of lye for a 5% superfat soap. (Trust me, this will make more sense when you start working with the lye calculator.)
Do you really want to learn a sustainable practice? Check out this information on making homemade lye from wood ashes!
Note: Be careful when working with lye and follow all of the recommended precautions. What I’m trying to say is, I can not be held responsible for any craziness, mishaps, explosions, etc. that may happen when working with this recipe.
Shop around for the cheapest oil prices. I like to purchase from a combination of local stores, The Soap Dish, and Mountain Rose Herbs.
You can design the properties of your soap based on the oils you use. For example, use:
- Lard or tallow for a hard, long-lasting soap
- Coconut or castor oil for lathering
- Olive or canola oil for moisturizing and conditioning properties
- Cocoa butter, shea butter, and jojoba oil for a luxurious, extra moisturizing effect
Most of the equipment you will need can be found in your kitchen. I do not have appointed tools for soap making simply because I use glass and stainless steel bowls and utensils. However, it would be necessary to have tools specifically for this task if you were to use wood or plastic.
See this exhaustive list of recommended equipment, tools, and molds.
Note: I do have a dedicated crock pot for soap making. It is an older model that I purchased from the thrift store for $4. The older models don’t seem to get as hot and that is a good thing.
Now on to the recipe!
Luxurious Shampoo Bar Soap Recipe
-9 ounces coconut oil
-9 ounces olive oil
-5 ounces castor oil
-3 ounces jojoba oil
-2 ounces shea butter
-2 ounces cocoa butter
-1 ounce beeswax
*Please note, all amounts are per weight. You will need to use a kitchen scale for these measurements.
-4 ounces water
-6 ounces coconut milk*
-4 ounces lye
*You could use only water, an herbal infusion, or any other type of milk.
Optional Essential Oils
-Rosemary and peppermint for dark hair
-Lavender and lemon for blonde hair
-Lime and coconut for all types
*Use approximately 0.5-1 ounce of essential oils for this recipe. Yes they are a fun addition, but not necessary.
1. Place the water and coconut milk into a large glass measuring cup.
2. Measure out the lye by weight into a 1 cup measuring glass.
3. Carefully add the lye into the liquid and stir to combine. (Adding the liquid to the lye could cause and eruption.) Be careful, the liquid is caustic and not to be touched in anyway. The outside of the bowl will be extremely hot as well. Note: Take the necessary lye precautions with this step.
4. Allow the lye mixture to stay under a vent and cool down while you prepare the oils.
5. Measure all oils, by using a kitchen scale, and pour into a pot.
6. Warm oils and beeswax on low heat until all are melted.
7. Pour melted oils into a crock pot. Be sure the crock pot is on the lowest setting. Note: Do not allow the oils to get to hot.
8. Add the lye/liquid mixture to the oils in the crock pot and stir. Note: Any equipment the lye touches needs to be neutralized in a mixture of vinegar, soap, and water. Vinegar will neutralize the lye.
9. After a brief stir, grab your stick blender and get to work! Blend the oils, lye, and liquid in the crock pot for at least 3-5 minutes. We are working toward ”trace.”
10. Blend until the mixture becomes a thick, pudding like consistency.
11. Once the mixture is pudding-like, cover the crock pot and “cook” the soap for approximately 1 hour.
12. By the end, the mixture should have folded in on itself and it should be completely transparent. Turn off the crock pot.
13. Now it’s time to prepare the molds. I just use a standard glass loaf pan greased with coconut oil and it’s always worked perfectly.
14. Now is the time to add the essential oils (if using).
15. Spoon soap mixture into molds.
16. Allow soap to cool and harden for 24 hours.
17. Remove from mold on to cutting board and cut into 1 inch thick bars.
18. Place bars on a tray with good airflow so that they can harden further. But go ahead and use your first bar!!!
-I’m telling you, this is the most amazing natural hair product I have used! My hair is so shiny, soft, and manageable. And the real test…my husband even uses this shampoo bar soap and LOVES it!
-When showering, be sure to complete the use of this shampoo bar soap with a 1 part apple cider vinegar and 3 part water conditioning hair rinse. I like to put this in a spray bottle and spray my hair with it just prior to leaving the shower. I do not rinse it out (more conditioning that way). The smell of vinegar will dissipate once the hair dries.
-You can purchase the beeswax used in this recipe here. Or if you prefer to purchase a bar of this soap pre-made by yours truly…you can do that here (thank you in advance for your support)!
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Natural Health
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Trouble Spot: Your hands
The Solution: A wrist workout
Sitting at a desk all day long can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, irritation of a nerve in your wrist and fingers, but this series of exercises, ideally done every hour, can prevent pain from creeping into your day.
1. Hold your left hand up, palm facing outward. Using your right hand, pull the fingers back toward your wrist until you feel a stretch, and hold that position for 5 seconds. Repeat the stretch on your right hand.
2. Press the palms of your hands together at chest height. Lower them towards your lap until you feel the stretch in your wrists. Hold for 5 seconds.
3. Spread your fingers wide for 5 seconds.
4. On your left hand, gently pull the thumb back toward your wrist until you feel the stretch. Hold it for 5 seconds, and then repeat the move on your right hand.
5. Curl your fingers into a fist: Start with your pinky finger, and gradually fold the remaining four fingers into a fist. Then curl your wrists inward until you feel the stretch, and hold it for 5 seconds.
6. Massage the inside and outside of each hand, and then gently shake them out.
Trouble Spot: Your feet
The Solution: A tennis ball and frozen water bottle
Whether you have a job that requires you to be on your feet all day or you’re a devoted runner, lots of factors can play into foot pain. The key to keeping it at bay is to massage and ice those feet after a hard day (or a long run). Massage your feet with the tennis ball: Place it under one heel, and then stand and sink your body weight onto the ball. Slowly roll the ball from the heel to the base of the toes, spreading your toes wide when the ball passes near. Repeat on the opposite foot. A soup can or a golf ball can also stand in if you don’t have a tennis ball handy. Use the water bottle to ice your feet down afterward, rolling it back and forth under each foot.
Trouble Spot: Your shoulders or back
The Solution: Another tennis ball
This basic massage move will help anyone who sits hunched in front of a computer screen all day or suffers from any form of back pain. Lay on the floor with a tennis ball placed near the area that hurts most, such as your lower back or the spot between your shoulder blades. Roll the tennis ball around until you hit the spot that’s most tender, and lie there for 1 to 5 minutes, or until you feel your muscles relax.
Trouble Spot: Your knees
The Solution: A foam roller
Made from hard foam, these rollers will run you anywhere from $11 to $19 at most sporting goods stores, but you can also just go to your local hardware store and buy a piece of PVC pipe to pick up a discounted version. When you place a foam roller or the pipe underneath your muscles, the pressure gives your muscles a much deeper massage than you’ll get from simply rubbing them.
How does that help your knees? Foam rollers help massage muscles that, when tight, can lead to knee pain. One is your iliotibial band, commonly called the IT band, which is a tough strip of connective tissue that runs down the outside of your thigh, starting on your hip bone and connecting just below your knee, writes Jordan D. Metzl, MD, in the Men’s Health Athletes Book of Home Remedies. When it gets tight, it can lead to knee pain.
To fix that, lie on your right side and place your right hip on your roller. Put your hands on the floor for support. Cross your left leg over your right and place your left foot flat on the floor. Roll your body to your right, allowing the roller to move from your hip to your knee as it massages the entire length of your outer thigh. Then roll back and forth for 30 seconds. Switch to your left side and repeat with the roller under your left hip.
Whenever you get to a sore spot, stop. Applying extra pressure to sore areas will help release tension.
Trouble Spot: Your whole body
The Solution: Cool gadgets
If you have a lot of spots that get creaky or sore, it might be worth investing in some tools that will target certain areas (or doing lots more foam rolling; check out these whole-body foam roller exercises from Prevention). Here are two of our favorites.
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