Monday, September 23, 2013


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The Golden Age of Truth final

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER ~ Spread the Word!!!



The Genesis of a Monster Will Lead to….

the Beginning of a Golden Age!

For 30 years I’ve scoured the planet trying to find truthful answers to my health problems; diseases that could have crippled or killed me like Cancer, seizures, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, Emphysema, etc.  And for almost 20 years, I’ve been frantically searching for viable cures to my son’s Autism.  What I found, the information I’ve unearthed is beyond words.  There are many secrets — medical secrets — that have been kept from us in some instances ~ for thousands of years.  The “PROPAGANDA” methods  (Edward L. Bernays incorporated by the U.S.A. in 1948 — link below)  used to control our thinking ~ coaxing this deception into reality ~ is astounding.

Some of these secrets are literally right in front of us, but we can’t see them because we’ve been trained (or manipulated) not to.  Keeping this priceless medical (and political)  information hidden is unacceptable and has led to our society’s severely declining health.  This article is written for you, your family and loved ones….so all can finally heal.

Seek Truth FINALIn order for you to understand the scope of what’s been done to you we must start at the beginning.  I discovered the downfall of human health in the United States can be pinpointed back 150-200 years ago; back to the same dates, facts and events that propelled (disorders like) Autism’s numbers into the abyss.  Much of this information is right on the Internet for all to see, but if you don’t “search” properly using specific key words you won’t be lead to the right answers.  With the censorship taking place, keyword controls being manipulated, and “online reputation protectors” at work (controlling what’s viewable through search engines) seeking truth is difficult at best.   Even this site had been blacked out from search engines; I’ve purposely had others try to find my site using specific tags…and it doesn’t always come up in search engines without using my name “EFHerne.”  
If you do happen to stumble upon the right web pages, the information or ‘pieces’ of a story must be reconstructed properly for the real truth to become evident.   If you look on government sites like the National Insitute of Health(NIH), the FDA or CDC you have to get very good at sifting through medical jargon.  For example:  many studies referenced on the NIH site are funded and controlled by one of many Government entities — reader beware!  Always double-check your sources.
What people ‘in charge’ have done to keep this health information from us — including teaching or programming people to be ‘critically negative’ rather than ‘research positive’ — is nothing short of criminal.  Self-education is key to humanity’s survival; never leave your knowledge or wisdom to any one person, school, society….or belief. Once the puzzle pieces fall into place, you must be willing to see and accept the whole picture ~ the truth ~ for what it is.  And the truth will set you and your health free!
sunset 2 naked people EDIT
The history lesson you’re about to learn is without a doubt the worst part of educating people about their health.  Some of it will be difficult, even heart-breaking to read.  The lust for power has corrupted many men throughout history; what’s happened over the last century with our leaders is no different.  To better understand the mind-set behind these secrets, I believe J. Edgar Hoover said it best….
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”–J. Edgar Hoover

J. Edgar Hoover
What you’re about to read is the monstrous conspiracy — and this conspiracy is fueled by greed, power, control, money & secrets.  This is the recipe for our country’s downfall that must be re-written.  And it all starts with you learning the information below.
Ready?  Here we go…..
In the year 1950, only 1 in maybe 10,000 children got Autism–that’s it.  It was considered a very rare disorder.  In the year 1900, hospitals weren’t filled with Schizophrenics, Parkinson’s patients, or Cancer & Heart Disease victims; these were rare disorders as well.  Before the 1900′s, most died young from infectious diseases like Tuberculosis, Influenza, Small Pox and other “plagues.”
Patient sickSlowly from the early 1990′s to the 1950′s, Autism and other diseases emerged, and rates have climbed. But by 1996 they skyrocketed.  Now the ratio is 1 out of every 50 children born will eventually be diagnosed with some form of Autism.  Worse too are other disease rates:  Heart Disease will now hit 1 out of every 3 adults, Schizophrenia is now 1 in every 138 people, and worst of all Cancer — at an all time high where 1 out of EVERY 2 of us will contract it at some point in our lives!

Schizophrenia Rate Chart Courtesy of
Schizophrenia Rate Chart Courtesy of
I hope you’re sitting down…if not take a seat, and a deep breath–you’re about to get a history lesson you’ll never forget.
Countdown To Disorder

1700′s – A Placebo (or ‘fake’ pill/drug) is tested against ‘real drugs,’ and successfully used to treat patients for all issues;  pain from severed limbs, plagues, cancer, etc.  Patients given a ‘placebo’ almost always feel better and heal faster than those given a real drug.(like Opium)  Science & Government work to convince us it’s “a figment of an over-active imagination.”  The realization that humans are completely self-healing solely through the power of the mind is hidden.

Dr. Theobald Smith
Dr. Theobald Smith

Dr. Louis Pasteur
Dr. Louis Pasteur

 1800-1900 -- Considered the “Fathers of Microbiology“(above) Dr. Theobald Smith & Dr. Louis Pasteur both discover that all infection, disease and disorder in humans start with parasites.  Not only do parasites sexually reproduce inside us, as parasites (or ‘bugs’) chew through healthy human tissues creating scarring, and will excrete urine & feces in our bodies as they digest our cells.  This cultivates an acidic environment primed for disease.  This normal parasitic process destroys all human health in it’s path.  Much of Dr. Smith’s notes and work are hidden or lost.  Dr. Louis Pasteur’s work is eroded down to most only familiarized with the phrase… “the Pasteurization process.”

The Manual of the International List of Causes of Death -- 1939 Edition
The Manual of the International List of Causes of Death — 1939 Edition

Click on the pic to enlarge–then the back button to return to article

1902 — Dr. John Beard of Scotland discovers our pancreas’ enzyme production is inhibited or missing.(The Unitarian Trophoblastic Theory)  This organ doesn’t just produce insulin, it produces sodium bicarbonate–or  ’baking soda.’  These missing enzymes make our baking soda work, and baking soda extinguishes acids in our stomach that promote disease.  Our stomach then burns through food rather than digest it (causing reflux, indigestion, upset stomach, digestive disease).  If we don’t digest food properly, we cannot absorb the vitamins in it.  We then become malnourished and our immune systems will fail us–leaving us open to all disease….from Candida to Cancer.

Page 1 (467) of the National Institute of Health Study:  "The History of Toxoplasma Gondii"
Page 1 (467) of the National Institute of Health Study: “The History of Toxoplasma Gondii — The First 100 Years”

1908 — MENTAL ILLNESS is Discovered —  The Toxoplasma Gondii Parasite was discovered in 1908, and has unequivocally been linked to: “schizophrenia and depressive disorders, obsessive–compulsive disorder, Alzheimer’s diseases and Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, headache and or migraine, mental retardation and intelligence quotients, suicide attempt, risk of traffic accidents“–from National Institute of Health Study “Latent Toxoplasmosis in Humans”  (

Page 2 of this paper includes Transmission information, and the various PANDEMIC-CAUSING STRAINS.  

The History of Toxoplasma Gondii pg 2 Crop Highlight
Page 2 (468) of the National Institute of Health Study: “The History of Toxoplasma Gondii” with PANDEMIC Information

The U.S. Government begins harvesting, cultivating & mutating this parasite in the stomachs of cats after it’s discovery.  ”The history of Toxoplasma gondii–the first 100 years.”  (

The following are studies published at the National Institute of Health’s website linking Toxoplasma Gondii (Toxoplasmosis) to numerous type of mental illness:

Dr. Sara Josephine Baker
Dr. Sara Josephine Baker

1910 — Dr. Sara Josephine Baker was a leading physician in her day accomplishing amazing feats like: establishing child hygiene departments in every state in the union, she set up milk stations where free pasteurized milk was given away, she insisted each school needed its own doctor and nurse, she set up a system for licensing midwives, she convinced mothers and children to ‘wash more’ to prevent parasitic illness leading a team of nurses who went door to door teaching mothers the value of nutrition/cleanliness/ ventilation.  Her methods work and numerous Doctors start a petition to stop her as children are “too healthy” and grossly degenerating their profits.

Marie_Curie Wiki
Madame Marie Curie

1911 — Madame Curie isolates ‘radiation’ discovering it could kill parasites & their diseases (bacteria/virus’/cancer).  She also unfortunately discovers it’s just as lethal to healthy human cells and dies from her own experiments.

Rabies "virus" culture
Rabies “virus” culture

1913 — Medical Societies across the globe begin cultivating, harvesting, cross-breeding and mutating various parasites and their diseases including Polio, Meningitis, and Rabies.  From the Oxford Journals on Epidemiology by the John’s Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health:  ”Rabies is a very old parasite of animals and humans.  Records dating back 2300 years B.C. document that rabies was prevalent and recognized as a disease…” (

1915 –  The Rockefeller Institute successfully employs the Father of Microbiology–Dr. Theobald Smith–to head their Microbiology Department in Princeton New Jersey, retaining all rights to his work.

Dr. Theobald Smith 1800's ~ Microbiologist, Bacteriologist & Parasitologist
Dr. Theobald Smith 1800′s ~ Microbiologist, Bacteriologist & Parasitologist

1920′s — Dr. Theobald Smith discovers parasites use heavy metals like armor shielding themselves(and the metals) from being expelled from the human body.  He quickly begins lecturing other doctors and officials across the country on the dangers of heavy metals  (lead, mercury, aluminum, etc.)  in our land, air and water supplies.  His lectures and notes are “lost.”

President Calvin Coolidge
President Calvin Coolidge

1924 — Edward L. Bernays, the “father of spin” and nephew of Sigmund Freud is hired for his “public relations” skills to improve Calvin Coolidge’s image before the election.  His resume includes spinning advertising and public relations for:  the American Tobacco Company, the Committee on Publicity Methods in Social Work, the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, the Committee for Consumer Legislation and the fluoridation of drinking water for the Public Health Service.  Bernays was instrumental in  ’conditioning’ consumers into believing many mainstream medical fallacies…including vaccines.

Theobald Smith Suppressing Self 
1927 — Dr. Theobald Smith authors a paper titled “The Passing of Disease from One Generation to Another and the Processes Tending to Counteract It.”  This paper describes “a review of the mechanisms functioning in the host (human/animal) during the earliest days of life to defend it against potential disease germs and the parasitic enemies of the young….and the perpetration of parasitism by transfer from one generation to another…” —  describing in detail how disease is parasitic — not genetic as we are told now. From the book on Dr. Theobald Smith titled “Suppressing the Diseases of Animals and Man.


1928 – Edward L. Bernays pens a 153 page manual the U.S.A. incorporates into their public relations on how to brainwash the American people:  ”THE conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society…the propagandist can sometimes swing a whole mass of group emotions….It is possible that through an educational (public schools/universities) propaganda aiming to develop greater social consciousness on the part of the people of the country, there may be awakened …social consciousness which will produce more minds of the type of Julius Rosenwald (“philanthropist” who built ‘propaganda’ schools), V. Everit Macy (“philanthropist” who funded the cruel & abusive Blackwell’s Island Asylum aka New York Department of Charities and Corrections), John D. Rockefeller (Oil magnate who funded ‘propagandized’ medicine, education, and scientific research)...In the ethical sense, propaganda bears the same relation to education as to business or politics.” — Edward L. Bernays from his manual titled PROPAGANDA. (

Man inflicted with Pellagra
Man inflicted with Pellagra

Child inflicted with Pallegra
Child inflicted with Pellagra

1928 – The Depression causes many to consume a great deal of corn and other low-vitamin foods causing a form a mental illness called Pallegra.  This disease causes:  dermatitis, diarrhea, “dementia” and death.

Mercury poured

1929 – Unaware of Dr. Theobald Smith’s work,  out of desperation Dr. K.C. Smithburn injects Meningitis patients with Mercury armoring the parasite causing the disease, creating heavy metal bioaccumulation, killing the patients.  The lethality of Thimerasol (Mercury) is discovered and his notes and work are ‘lost.’

Max Gerson Healing the Hopeless 
1929 — Dr. Max Gerson formulated a diet to help patients with migraines.  In the process he discovers eating nothing but organic, chemical-free (anti-parasite) foods(fresh fruits, herbs, vegetables) not only cures migraines, but heals many forms of ‘infectious’ diseases like:  tuberculosis, Cancer, Diabetes and “plagues” through 100′s of patients and studies.  With numerous documented cases of healings, and impressive  endorsements including Nobel Laureate Dr. Albert Schweitzer (he cured his wife from tuberculosis), Dr. Max Gerson is still ousted from the Medical Community and eventually driven from the U.S.A..  His work was almost lost due to suspicious “arsenic poisoning”….twice

Dr. Otto Warburg
Dr. Otto Warburg

1931 — Dr. Otto Warburg, a German Jewish Doctor is commandeered then coveted by Hitler.  Dr. Warburg discovers Sugar (inorganic/ processed/”unhealthy”) annihilates oxygen from healthy human cells–turning the human body anaerobic aka acidic.  Dr. Warburg also discovers this process keeps Cancer and many other anaerobic diseases thriving inside us.  He wins the Nobel Peace Prize for his work as it was sure to create Peace on Earth–his notes and work are hidden…”The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer….for cancer, there is only one prime cause. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen (oxidation of sugar) in normal body cells by fermentation of sugar.” (

Royal Rife Cancer Newspaper1934 — Royal Rife Cures Cancer with “Energy” – “By end of the year “Rife can destroy the typhus bacteria, the polio virus, the herpes virus, the cancer virus and other viruses in culture and in experimental animals….”  Royal creates the first super-microscope able to detect all types of disease, then discovers the “frequencies” of radio waves that kill micro-organisms and cure disease.  ”The AMA indicts Rife for fraudulent medical practices.”  (


Hiding Disease

Reclasfication cover page edit

1939 — In order to advance the Idea of Western Medicine….Starting in 1939, the United States Government “reclassifies” all parasitic disease under various categories eliminating the actual word “parasite.”  According to the Center for Disease Control’s online PDF article, from 1939-1948 the true source of disease would be forever hidden under various pseudonyms.  From page 23 of “The History of the Classification of Diseases and Causes of Death”–

  • “In Section I, infectious diseases were arranged in the order of bacterial, spirochetal, filtrating viral, rickettsial, protozoal, helminthial, fungal, and other infective or parasitic diseases. Tabes dorsalis and general paralysis were transferred from Diseases of the Central Nervous System to syphilis in this section.”

Close-up of page 23  CDC's "History of the Classification of Diseases and Causes of Death"
Close-up of page 23 of the
CDC’s “History of the Classification of Diseases and Causes of Death”
The word “parasite” would be stricken from medical books & texts unless the ‘bug’ qualified under stringent medical definitions & guidelines.  Although common vernacular prevails, from this decade onward phrases such as “stomach bug” would only be termed by doctors as ‘stomach flu’ or ‘stomach virus.’  
Hiding the actual source of disease meant hiding the cures as well.  (

Reclassification pg 1 Edit


1940′s –Fluoride, an  acid-promoting neurotoxin and a main ingredient in the Atomic Bomb, is produced in earnest.  Not knowing what to do with all the toxic waste, with the help of Edward L. Bernays the U.S. Government launches a campaign to convince the American public putting Fluoride in drinking water is not only safe, it’s “good for bones and teeth.”   This practice becomes the norm in many states of the USA.  Slowly other areas of the globe follow suit.

Raw Fluoride(Fluorite Calcite) Crystal
Raw Fluoride(Fluorite Calcite) Crystal

1941 — Pellagra was in epidemic proportions linked to the economic depression caused by less money for an inadequate diet.  The recommendation of the Food and Nutrition Board to enrich bread and flour with thiamine, niacin, and iron was endorsed by the members of the baking and milling industries.  By 1945 Pellagra (the lacking of vitamins/minerals promoting mental illness, skin disease, and death) had become extinct in the South.  Governments and medical societies hide the fact taking some simple vitamins and minerals can stop skin lesions, mental disorders, stomach pain/diarrhea, even death.

1944 — Monsanto begins manufacturing DDT, PCB’s, and numerous other highly toxic chemicals and pesticides immediately used in the United States farming industry, and it’s wars.  Monsanto also was a major creator/contributor/manufacturer of the chemicals used in the Manhattan Project(Atomic Bomb) and Vietnam.(Agent Orange)


Cloud seeding cartoon 
1946 — Cloud Seeding Technology Begins – Vincent Schaefer & Nobel Laureate Irving Langmuir work together combining/using salt, talcum and various ‘chemical agents’ in order to manipulate the weather.  For the next 6 decades, millions of tons of “chemical agents” would be dumped into our atmosphere.  Eventually other chemicals are used:  Silver Iodide, Liquid Nitrogen, and a patent for Aluminum & Thorium Oxides would be filed.  Within 3 decades of the first ‘cloud seeding event, the term  ”acid rain” would become commonplace.  This term references rain that possesses elevated levels of hydrogen ions or “low pH.”  Low pH levels are harmful to plants, animals and humans.
1946 — Herman Goerging, a leading member of the Nazi Party, tells the world during his trial that using name-calling & ridicule can control the minds of any population… “…it’s the leaders of a country that determine policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament…voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked(by anyone) and denounce (to publicly declare to be wrong, reprehensible, evil, etc)  the pacifists for lack of patriotism…” –designed to make any listener feel small, stupid, and alone.  This tactic coupled with Edward L. Bernays’ PROPAGANDA is used to control the American mind priming it to deny truth for generations.
Hermann Goring Josef Mengele
Cia-lobby-seal Wiki
1947 — The C.I.A. is established using much of the mind-control techniques & information from Bernays and the Nazi’s, for unlawful practices.   Inhumane experiments on Jews by Dr. Josef Mengele (pictured above) coupled with mind control techniques were instrumental in the C.I.A.’s ‘mind-science’ programs.  United States human experimentation began on unwitting American citizens and servicemen; this program’s name — MK-ULTRA.

Stages of Fluoride Damage
Stages of Fluoride Damage
1948 — A study published by Program F (“F” short for Fluoride) and Scientists in the Journal of the American Dental Association show evidence of severe adverse health effects from fluoride which include:  Cancer, Down’s syndrome, Heart Disease, Osteoporosis and bone fracture, Immune Deficiency Syndromes, Low Intelligence, Alzheimer disease, Allergies & Allergic reactions — which was censored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)  – for reasons of “National Security.”
Eugenics Book Cover SELF 
1948 — The Society of Human Genetics [ASHG] was founded in 1948 and its journal”The American Journal of Human Genetics” cultivating the ‘disease is genetic’ propaganda.   According to a paper titled “Medical Genetics at McGill:  The History of a Pioneering Research Group”–on page 33 it clearly states:
TOGETHER…Human or medical genetics began to develop as a field during the interwar period when it was closely associated with the eugenics movement.  Without losing its links to eugenics, the field after World War II became organized along new lines, around the American Society of Human Genetics [ASHG] founded in 1948 and its journal, the American Journal of Human Genetics.”  Susan Lindee drafted a paper this article used titled ‘Genetic Disease in the 1960s: a Structural Revolution‘ and in her own words states clearly “I emphasize the important roles of family members, religious isolates, legislators, pediatricians, and others who were not trained in genetic science, but who became advocates, at many levels, of genetic medicine. And I suggest that the idea, so important to the Human Genome Project, that “all disease is genetic disease” was structurally realized and institutionalized long before technologies for mapping the genome were available.” ( (

1950 — In February, Microbiologist Hilary Koprowski’s first experiments with a Live Attenuated Vaccine (using live parasites/bacteria/virus’) on an 8-year-old boy even though Dr. Theobald Smith proved using heated dead bacteria was a highly effective a vaccine/anti-toxin.  “…there is a small risk that attenuated forms of a pathogen can revert to a dangerous form, and may still be able to cause disease in immunocompromised vaccine recipients”–from “History (of Vaccinations) Wikipedia. (

Grain Overloaded Meat
Meat from a Grain Overloaded Cow
1950′s — To bulk cows up and make them ‘meatier,’ the FDA allows farmers to feed Cows an all-corn/grain diet although clearly stated to be toxic.  The disease cows acquire from eating just grain/corn is called Acidosis, and recorded in the Merck Veterinary Manual under “Grain Overload.”  Corn is a sugar and turns to acids (see Dr. Otto Warburg) that burns and swells the flesh of the animal making them meatier.  Upon consumption of any cow product, human flesh will become just as acidic and toxify creating a prime breeding ground for disease, like Cancer.
1950′s — FDA allows Farmers to give Cows large doses of antibiotics due to infection (from Acidosis) and associated parasitic bacterial infections that follow–the drugs trigger yeast infections(Candida), and higher parasite counts in cows (Candida Albicans, Neospora, Toxoplasma Gondii, etc).  The parasites and their diseases are then passed to humans via undercooked meat and improperly pasteurized dairy/milk products.
1950′s — The Pharmaceutical Industry gets underway in earnest with numerous new drugs being developed during the 50′s, and mass-produced and marketed through the 1960s — like Oral Contraception, ‘anxiety’ medications like Librium, Valium & Klonipin, and Heart Disease medications.  Many of these drugs are approved for use during pregnancy.
1950′s — Despite  Dr. K.C. Smithburn’s research on the toxicity of Mercury in humans, Thimerasol is placed in pharmaceuticals (vaccinations, inoculation, creams, anti-serum, etc.) as a “preservative,” protecting and preserving the parasite being injected, ingested, absorbed or treated.

(click to enlarge)
1950′s — “Combination Vaccines” are introduced where numerous Live Attenuated Virus Strains(live parasites) are given simultaneously.

Atomic Energy Commission Logo
Atomic Energy Commission Logo
1950′s — Fluoride Opposition groups discover The Atomic Energy Commission’s Program F Fluoride study results.  These groups publicly announce the dangers of water fluoridation, and the increased risks of Cancer, Downs syndrome, Heart Disease, Osteoporosis and bone fracture, Immune Deficiency Syndromes, Low Intelligence, Alzheimer disease, Allergies & Allergic reactions, and other health conditions–they are criticized and dismissed.

Human Genome Project Slogans
Human Genome Project Slogans
1955 — Disease is Genetic(?) — In spite of Dr. Theobald Smith’s lectures and notes on the passing of parasitic disease from generation to generation during birth, the idea that “disease is genetic” was introduced by the United States Government.  This idea was mandatory to give governments free reign for experimenting, ‘engineering’ and mutating human DNA.  This PROPAGANDA would keep religious, moral and ethical groups at bay.  From the National Institute of Health:  ”Successful dietary treatment of phenylketonuria brought the idea of ‘genetic disease’ into the public and legislatures provoked the theory of  ‘sweeping long-term consequences’…the idea, so important to the Human Genome Project, that ‘all disease is genetic disease’ was structurally realized and institutionalized long before technologies for mapping the genome were available.”(

Food & Drug Administration Logo
Food & Drug Administration Logo
1958 — The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act is amended and defines sources of radiation intended for use in processing food is classified as a “food additive.”  The Act is administered by FDA.
1959 — Five Live Attenuated Vaccines are recommended/administered for children:  Smallpox, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio (IPV).  ”Mandatory vaccine programs are ‘A violation of the Nuremberg Code’ in that they force individuals to have medical treatment against their will, or to participate in the functional equivalent of a vast experiment without fully informed consent.”– Dr. Jane Orient
jfk-weather-controla1961 —  JFK Address at U.N. General Assembly, 25 September 1961 regarding WEATHER CONTROL — “we shall propose further cooperative efforts between all nations in weather prediction and eventually WEATHER CONTROL”–believing this would benefit the world…
1963 – The FDA approves(ir)radiation in wheat and flour.
1964 — The FDA approves (ir)radiation in white potatoes.

Irradiation Process
Irradiation Process
1966  –  The USDA petition FDA to approve the (ir)radiation of ham.
1969 — Eight Live Attenuated Vaccines are recommended for every child:  Smallpox, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio (OPV), Measles, Mumps, Rubella.

Reaction to Measles, Mumps & Rubella Vaccine -- the boy also had undiagnosed Parvo (dog's virus/parasite)
Reaction to Measles, Mumps & Rubella Vaccine — the boy also had undiagnosed Parvo (dog’s virus/parasite)

1975 — As the incidents of children becoming infected by the very diseases they’re inoculated against, “The topic of vaccine safety became prominent during the mid 1970s with increases in lawsuits filed on behalf of those injured by the diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT) vaccine….This program compensates individuals who have been injured by vaccines on a “no-fault” basis. No-fault means people filing claims are not required to prove negligence on the part of either the health care provider or the manufacturer to receive compensation. “–Center for Disease Control.  “No fault” also negates any responsibility by the pharmaceutical company that created the vaccine and eliminates any possibility for further compensation to the parents of the sick/dead child–or from the child from diseases resulting from vaccine injury as an adult. (
1979 — Seven Live Attenuated Vaccines are recommended/administered for every child:  Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio (OPV),  Measles, Mumps, Rubella
1985  –  FDA approves (ir)radiation at specific doses to control Trichinella(a parasite) spiral is in pork.
Vaccine_extracting WIKI 
1986 — Due to the rising lawsuits for “vaccine-related injury or death claims” directly caused from Government required inoculations, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) is passed in response to ‘growing public concern about vaccine safety and the effects that liability issues were having in the pharmaceutical industry…this legislation established the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), new Vaccine Administration Record (VAR) rules and requirements around giving Vaccine Information Statements (VIS’s) for each vaccine received.”–from an Oregon Public Health report found here:
1988 — The “National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) begins. The VICP was established to ensure an adequate supply of vaccines, stabilize vaccine costs, and establish and maintain an accessible and efficient forum for individuals found to be injured by certain vaccines. The VICP is a no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system for resolving vaccine injury claims that provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines. The U. S. Court of Federal Claims decides who will be paid.”–from the Government site found here:

From The Manual for the International List of Causes of Death Parasites & their Diseases
From The Manual for the International List of Causes of Death
Parasites & their Diseases

HAARP Antennas
HAARP Antennas
1989 — HAARP was conceived….on the morning of December 13th, 1989 and construction completed in late 1994 by contractor Arco Power Technologies,  Inc.   HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project–a Department of Defense & Air Force program causing “ionospheric modification” and used for (according to USAF documents) weather modification.  HAARP antennas can “excite” the out layers of our atmosphere by using 360 72-foot-tall antennas to direct an intense beam of electromagnetic (Microwave) energy upwards to strike (or heat) the ionosphere.   HAARP’s power is said to have increased to 1.7 gigawatts–1.7 billion watts.  HAARP’s ELF waves can manipulate human thought, damage the human nervous system, depress thinking, and can be used “against human beings”  as a “microwave weapon.”
1990  –  FDA approves (ir)radiation for poultry to “control” salmonella and other food-borne parasites/bacteria.
1990 — The United States Air Force begins CHEMTRAIL Chemistry Class teaching young pilots the chemistry behind oxidizing heavy metals like aluminum, thorium and cadmium for aerial/pilot use.
Chemtrails-USAF manual-receipt
1990′s — Research to “modify” human DNA by genetically fusing it with parasitic disease began.  But results from testing found “DNA vaccines need to be improved significantly as they do not induce sufficient levels of immune responses in humans and non-human primates.”  (
1991 — Hughes Aircraft(Assignee) & David B. Chang & I-Fu Shih (“inventors”) apply for “Chemtrail” Patent that involves:  “A method is described for reducing atmospheric or global warming resulting from the presence of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere…comprising the step of dispersing tiny particles of a material...said material comprises aluminum oxide (and) thorium oxide.

Chemtrails USAF manual title page
1993 — The “Got Milk?” Campaign is launched ~ Calcification rates soar.  Calcification in arteries is called ‘hardening of the arteries’ or heart disease.  Calcification in bone & joints is called Arthritis or Osteoporosis.  In muscle tissue it’s called Fibromyalgia, and in the brain it’s called many things:  Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Senility, Parkinson’s….and so on.

1994 — Commercial sale of Genetically Modified Foods  (GMO’s) begins ~ Genetic Engineering labs are “Using viruses or bacteria to ‘infect’ animal or plant cells…” and “Coating DNA onto tiny metal pellets, and firing it with a special gun into the cells…” (from: — The plants & animals then grow with ‘genetically modified’ or ‘transgenic’ DNA (infected with bacteria) and act as a pesticide ideally to kill the insects/bugs/parasites damaging animals and crops.  Unfortunately, the mutated DNA will in short time infect our cells and break down or destroy our human DNA as well.

Credit: Alliance for Natural Health
1995 — 9 Live Attenuated Vaccines are given numerous times between ages newborn-6 —  Diphtheria, Measles, Tetanus, Mumps, Pertussis, Rubella, Polio (OPV), Hib, Hep B.   “…immunization of high-risk groups wasn’t stopping transmission of the disease.” (CDC comment on hepatitis B):

Meet Ian:  and his reaction to his Hep B Inoculation
“Reaction” to Hep B Inoculation

Dr. Arpad Pusztai 
1998 — Dr. Arpad Pusztai (and others) publicly announce the results of research from feeding GMO foods to rats and other mammals.  Adverse effects include:  significant changes in DNA, stomach lining degradation, immune system dysfunction, premature deliveries, abortions, infertility, prolapsed uterus, sterility, false pregnancies(giving birth to ‘bags of water’), sores/lesion in the mouth/digestive track, tumors, cancer — many of the mammal’s babies died within a few weeks of birth.  Pusztai stated mammals became ill, if not died, within 4 to 6 months of eating GMO’s — the human equivalent of 10 years.   Although unhealthy, some rats did survive being fed GMO’s but were sterile by the 3rd generation. His honesty led to Pusztai being suspended then ousted from the European medical community.

Rats stricken with tumors after eating "Genetically Modified" food
Rats stricken with tumors after eating “Genetically Modified” food
2001 — Epicyte — a bio-engineering company — Discovers the Sterility “Gene” and it’s allowed into USA foods…Dupont & Monsanto purchases the bio-tech company “Epicyte”then manufactures & commercializes the ‘sterilizing gene’ as a food additive.  The FDA makes it illegal for companies to place any information about it’s existence in food, or what it does.  Sterility rates skyrocket.  
2005 — 11 Live Attenuated Vaccines are given numerous times between the ages 0-6years:  Diphtheria, Measles, Tetanus, Mumps, Pertussis, Rubella, Polio (IPV), Hib, Hepatitis B, Varicella, Hepatitis A, Pneumococcal Influenza

Young girl suffering from Polio AFTER inoculation
Young girl suffering from Polio AFTER inoculation
2006 — Polio makes a Comeback…in spite of active vaccination efforts.  From online article dated September 12, 2006 “Polio Making Rapid Comeback, Poses Epidemic Risk, Scientists Say….Outbreaks of polio in India and Nigeria are rapidly spreading, and experts warn that new infections could turn into an epidemic of international scale.” (  A “global effort” to vaccinate children in ‘poverty-stricken nations’ began in 1988 led by the World Health Organization.  Children were actively being vaccinated at the time the ‘comeback’ came back.
2010 — 12 Live Attenuated Vaccines are given to children numerous times between ages 0-6 years: Diphtheria, Measles, Tetanus, Mumps, Pertussis, Rubella, Polio (IPV), Hib, Hepatitis B, Varicella, Hepatitis A, Pneumococcal Influenza, Rotavirus
Vaccination Schedule from 1940 to Present
2011 — Numerous studies prove … “exposure to pesticides, herbicides and/or insecticides in particular, increases the risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease, Cancer and Autism” are exposed, but this doesn’t stop the farming industry from using them–or the Government & FDA to better regulate their use.
2012 —  ”Whooping Cough Makes a Comeback”…from an online article dated August 1, 2012:  ”…Washington State, whose health officials declared pertussis to be an epidemic in April, has recorded more than 3,000 cases this year, a rate not seen since the early 1940s. ”  Children and adults were being actively vaccinated at the time the ‘outbreak’ occurred. (
2012 — “The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District proposes releasing millions of genetically modified (glowing) mosquitoes in Key West…”( — Because the “World Health Organization announced that dengue fever is now the world’s ‘fastest spreading vector-borne viral disease with an epidemic potential’” — science believes releasing GMO mosquitoes infected with (glowing) bacteria would be a good idea to control the Dengue mosquito population. “Their hope is that the new short-lived mosquito will mate with wild female mosquitoes, producing offspring that inherit the lab-spawned mosquito’s ultra short-lived lifespan.” (…”The proposal has made the citizens of Key West anxious; they feel that insufficient research has been done to examine the possible dangers.”
2013 — The U.S. Government LAUNCHES PRISM — Edward Snowden leaks United States programs to spy on, intercept, and store “possible terrorist” activity from United States Citizens.  Even going as far as planting “fake online personas” to infiltrate social networking sites.  From Huffington Post & The Guardian:

  • Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media

    Military’s ‘sock puppet’ software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda…

From The Guardian:  "Gen David Petraeus has previously said US online psychological operations are aimed at 'countering extremist ideology and propaganda'. Photograph: Cliff Owen/AP"
From The Guardian: “Gen David Petraeus has previously said US online psychological operations are aimed at ‘countering extremist ideology and propaganda’. Photograph: Cliff Owen/AP”
“The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.” (

Glowing GMO Mosquito
Glowing GMO Mosquito
2013 — In spite of years of mass-inoculation

  • Flu reaches epidemic proportions in US…Influenza has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, with 7.3 percent of deaths last week caused by pneumonia and the flu, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday….” –from an article dated January 11, 2013 (
  • This report primes the United States citizens to release a new “DNA vaccine” which fuses the Influenza Bacillus Pfeiffer parasite and/or the Haemophilus influenzae parasites to conjoin with human DNA  – once attached to our Genome, our children can pass lethal parasitic disease from one generation to the next genetically via DNA — the very process Dr. Theobald Smith tried to halt in the 1920′s. (
With positive, peer-reviewed case study results to back them up, 2-century-old proof from men like Theobald Smith, Louis Pasteur, Otto Warburg, Royal Rife, Abram Hoffer, Linus Pauling and Max Gerson stays hidden, and our health continues to plummet.  Governments across the globe are fully aware of all the facts listed above but…. it does nothing to change “the system.”  
Whether you agree with the great vaccine debate or not, whether you eat McDonald’s or organic, whether you believe there was a “conspiracy” at the core motivating Government Legislation or believe it was a series of unfortunate events—>the bottom line:  the time-line doesn’t change.  The above events are factual and available to read online, at your library, or through books you can purchase yourself.  As far as the ‘mistakes’ (purposeful or not) made by Government officials allowing these very toxic events to occur I can only say this:  Consider you and your children very, very lucky if no one has suffered with Autism, Infertility, Diabetes, Cancer, or any other life-threatening disease.
If you’re wondering why the “Got Milk?” campaign is significant.  Please read my article “YOU are Powerful” here:  –for a very thorough explanation.
If you’d like to learn how Government and the FDA have robbed you of your health, watch this vid:
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If you or a loved one is suffering with any disease — including mental illness — I highly recommend specific videos and research.  Below is a brief list, but there’s much more out there to learn and you can always use this page as a reference.  Remember….

The Truth Will Set You Free!


(written) copyright CGifford/EFHerne2012


Dr. Andrew Saul — Nutritional Links to Depression and Mental Illness

Dr. Andrew Saul — Fighting Cancer with Nutrition

Dr. Max Gerson — The Gerson Miracle Diet — Curing All Disease

Dr. Tulio Simoncini – Cancer is a Fungus

The Miracle of Probiotics “Why we should be taking probiotics”  – Keeping Bad Bugs (Parasites) at Bay!!

If you’d like to read in detail what parasites the world has know about for over a century, go to Google Books here — “The Manual for the International List of Causes of Death” 1929 Edition (they’ve removed the 1939 Edition from Google) and turn to page 285:
If you want to read Edward L. Bernay’s paper on PROPAGANDA you can download it here:
Learn how your Pancreas lacking enzymes is one of the main contributors to the Cancer epidemic in “Dr John Beard and the The Unitarian Trophoblastic Theory” found here:
To learn more about the amazing accomplishments of Dr. Sara Josephine Baker read this article:
To learn more about Dr. Andrew Saul’s method on how to use mother nature to Doctor Yourself go to his website:
“The trophoblast theory of cancer (John Beard, 1857-1924) revisited.” —
If you’d like to read a good theory on Autism — Simon Baron-Cohen’s Extreme Male Brain Theory–go here:
If you’d like links to Dr. Otto Warburg’s work on how Cancer starts go here:
“The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer, by Dr. Otto Warburg”  –
More on the doctor that discovered what triggers Cancer to grow inside us — Dr. Otto Warburg on Wiki–here:
If you’d like to learn more about “Genetically modified food….”  and how the “Commercial sale of genetically modified foods began in 1994″ go here:
For a very thorough explanation on Genetically Modified Food (GMO’s), the rat/animal study results, and how Doctors in-the-know advise patients to stear very very clear of GMO’s, go here:
The real “History of Organic Beef ” here:
Read how Grain Overload is affecting cows, and us, for the worse in this article “Help the Food Crisis: Stop Feeding Cows Corn!” found here:
“Corn-Fed: Cows and Corn”
“History of Food Irradiation”
If you’d like to read more about Toxic Calcium by Angioprim go to this article.  –>Please disregard the section about the ‘best place’ to get Calcium is cow products–this author I’m sure hasn’t learned about the “genetic modifications” being done to cows.  Other than that, the page is very informative:
If you’d like to read about Grain Overload and why giving cows an all corn diet is so bad for them, go to the Merck Veterinary Manual on “Grain Overload” found here:
If you’d like to read how Magnesium deficiency is a “…crime against humanity in the United States…and to bring to trial those in (the U.S.A.) who are responsible.” read John Silveira’s article found here:
Learn more about Pellagra here:
If you’d like  to know more about the  Data & Statistics Centers from U.S. Disease Control & Prevention on Autism Spectrum Disorders go here
Here is a PDF Article “Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety, 16–17 December 2002″
Less Stressful Smallpox Shots — to learn more about the ”reactions’ kids/babies can have to current shots and how  ”safer” alternatives are being offered go here:
If you’d like to read more about Whooping Cough making a comeback —
If you’d like to read more about how Fluoride, Teeth and The Atomic Bomb are all connected from an unpublished article from the Christian Science Moniter read here:
If you’d like to learn more about how “Water Fluoridation is the Result of a Massively Successful PR Campaign” go here:
“Autism Genes = Genius…..(a) Fascinating report in the Sunday Times about how the same genes that confer autism also confer the skills necessary for genius”
If you’d like to know all about Yeast Infections aka “Candida Albicans Parasitic Yeast Infestation” go here:
If you’d like to know how Yeast Infections can make you infertile — “The role of parasites and fungi in secondary infertility(NIH)” –go here
If you’d like to learn more about humanity’s history dating back 20,000, and exactly what was known back then, watch “The Pyramid Code — The Empowered Human” found here:
More Autism Stats and Information:
“A Brief History of Autism”
Here are some “Vaccine Information Statements” which tells you some of the injuries you can acquire from being injected with Government required vaccines:
If you’d like to read more on how the U.S. Government started paying families off injured by vaccines because it was having a bad effect on the Pharmaceutical Industry go here:
Here is the Government’s ‘Vaccine Information Statement’ from a shot where you receive 8 parasites simultaneously — the “risks” section lists “Long term seizures, coma, lowered consciousness, and permanent brain damage have been reported.”  But are sure to add as a disclaimer “These problems happen so rarely that it is hard to tell whether they were actually caused by the vaccination or just happened afterward by chance.”–leaving your ability to file a lawsuit neutralized.  This “fact” sheet can be found here:
“The topic of vaccine safety became prominent during the mid 1970s with increases in lawsuits filed on behalf of those presumably injured by the diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT) vaccine. “
“History of Vaccine Schedule”
If you’d like to read more about DNA Vaccines go here:
More about DNA Vaccines and their “Mechanism of Action” read here:
“Tipping the balance of autism risk: potential mechanisms linking pesticides and autism.” —
“Maternal residence near agricultural pesticide applications and autism spectrum disorders among children in the California Central Valley.”
“Pesticide link to autism suspected”
Study on Parkinson’s Disease and Pesticide use “risk estimates strongly suggest that exposure to pesticides, and to herbicides and/or insecticides in particular, increases the risk of developing PD”
“Genetically modified live attenuated parasites as vaccines….including the use of whole cell lysate, killed, avirulent or irradiated parasites…DNA vaccines and purified or recombinant parasite antigens” —
“Mixed inoculations of a microsporidian parasite with horizontal and vertical infections”
How the U.S. Government is now modifying our DNA to fuse with disease & parasites – “DNA vaccines: designing strategies against parasitic infections…The complexity of parasitic infections requires novel approaches to vaccine design.”
An explanation and review on how the Government is “supplementing DNA vaccines with plasmids…(targeting the) DNA vaccine through genetically fusing the Ag to molecules binding cell surface receptors:
“Vaccines for Parasitic Disease….Vaccines for parasitic diseases has been slow to progress until recently(1988)” –
Info on the First “Live Attenuated Vaccine”  –
An explanation of how the U.S. Government has been harvesting the parasite that’s found to cause mental illness here:  ”The History of Toxoplasma gondii—The First 100 Years” —  –
How the mental illness parasite acts inside our brains causing sexual perversions….”To Get to Cats, Common Parasite Hijacks Rats’ Arousal Circuitry”
History of the C.I.A.
In studies, one parasite is found in most Schizophrenics & BiPolars causing the disorders, and the Pharmaceutical Industry are trying to come up with medications(acids) to stop their “replication.” Read more in this article “Drugs used in the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder inhibit the replication of Toxoplasma gondii” found here: for the record, the nicotinic acid response triggered by Niacin is a safe, organic cure for mental illness. 
More on the “Toxoplasma gondii and Schizophrenia” found here:
President Harry. S. Truman Biography
To learn more about how parasitic disease can cause infertility, read “The in vitro effect of Assafoetida on Trichomonas vaginalis….” found here:
Under “Alternative” section of ways to “receive” Fluoride ” effective means of achieving fluoride exposure that is community-wide….fluoridation of salt and milk” –
“Fluoride Dangers” –
“Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999: Fluoridation of Drinking Water to Prevent Dental Caries” —
“What’s Wrong With fluoridation?… Follow the Money”
To find out how the U.S. Government propagandized the ‘idea’ that disease was genetic in this article ”Genetic disease in the 1960s: a structural revolution.” read here:
“WHO report: alarming increase in cancer rates”
Hormone Replacement Report proving taking hormones can cause Cancer:
“Fluoridation by Country”:
Autism Rates by Country:
“Breast Calcification was first discovered in 1951″
“Mercury in childhood vaccines:  what did the government know?”
“Mucosal strengthening activity of central and peripheral melatonin in the mechanism of gastric defense”
If you have sleep disorders reading this article will help called ”The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland”
Read how in 1910, male Doctors railroaded one female doctor actually helping mothers and children stay disease-free in this article ”Dr. Josephine Baker might have saved your life”  –
Learn about the Father of Microbiology in this aticle “Dr. Theobald Smith/The Rockefeller Institute & other Relationships”:
Learn how Dr. Louis Pasteur, the first Father of Microbiology, knew about yeast infections (or “Tartaric Acid” aka Candida) long before the U.S. Government was willing to admit here:
“LOUIS PASTEUR : A TRIBUTE….created and tested vaccines for diphtheria, cholera, yellow fever, plague, rabies, anthrax, and tuberculosis.”
“Tartaric acid was first isolated from potassium tartrate, known to the ancients as tartar, c. 800 by the Islamic Alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan.[3] The modern process was developed in 1769 by the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele…” found here:


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